Thursday, 19 July 2007

Short Cuts (XVI)

After a few days of holidays, shortcuts are back!

1. The magazine Foreign Policy and The Fund for Peace have released the latest edition of the Failed States Index. The whole article can be found here. As everybody should expect, African countries lead the ranking.

2. An interesting article from the NY Times sum up the main important trends in economics teaching nowadays (thanks David for illuminating us!). I really like these two quotes:
1. Economists can’t pretend that the consensus for free markets and free trade that existed 30 years ago is still here (from Robert B.Reich @ Berkeley)
2. I fall into the methods of the mainstream, but not the faith (from Rodrik, referring to mainstream econ)

3. Last Wednesday I saw part of the movie "The Corporation" on tv. You can watch it on youtube. Even though I agreed with some of the comments, I thought it was somehow biased. I was especially concern about the comments on the (in)famous water war of Cochabamba. I came across this interesting article from the IADB about the issue a few years after. It somehow summarises my thoughts on the issue.

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