Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Short Cuts (VI)

The weekend is back... and with it, more short cuts:

1. For those interested in clear cut data on development issues, you should have a look at these interesting maps developed by the World Bank.

2. Wanna check what happened (is happening) in Darfur? Interesting ICT applications towards the fight against atrocities against human being! Follow this link.

3. The vital signs of Latam according to the Mackinsey Quarterly: simple, but with the main important ideas on the region (subscription required! it's worth it, though!) Maybe one should complement this information with the recently aired Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2006. Some things seem to be working in the region: poverty is decreasing, inflation remains low, growth remains stable, public finances in order..., how sustainable is this positive evolution? how much of this can be explained by external factors such as the increasing demand of natural resources present in the region?

3. Bad news for Wolfowitz's war against corruption. He seems to be the first one in not reaching his own predicaments... how can you fight corruption if you are seen as a nepotist?

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