Thursday 19 April 2007

Short cuts (VII)

Here we go again with some more short cuts to get the good but dispersed information and events around the world!

1. I certainly do not believe that being able to "almost freely" buy an automatic gun is the main reason for last week tragedy in Virginia University. In these and in other horrible experiences in the past, other reasons might have played an important and deeper role. Elements such as social cohesion, the feeling of being considered part of a family, a community, a project; increasing individualism in society,... and many others come to my mind. Societies, everywhere in the world can create disappointed individuals, but I'm completely sure that restricting the access to weapons would avoid "unregrettable" consequences. Here is an interesting debate on the issue!

2. A great classic on the East Asian Miracle and the WC, by Paul krugman: Dutch Tulips and Emerging Markets

3. ODA from developed towards developing countries fell during last year. DAC provides the official info. If we consider the different types and conditions of aid under the umbrella of these overall figures reality would be even worse... but again, the debate should move from quantity towards quality!

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